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Why do you consider yourself Notable? 

I consider myself notable, because I revolutionized the area of quantum theory, without me it probably would have "died" and not have been a popular field of research like it is now. Lots of people looked up to me as a person who could adapt to extreme conditions like the world wars and the Spanish flu, and still become world famous for their work.  


How well did you work with other scientists? 

I think I worked well with other scientists but there were not many scientists to work with because in my time the field was not popular as it was so recent and so "rebellious" because it broke so many rules, mathematical laws and theorems that were thought to be the basics of the entire foundations of science. I in fact won the 1933 Nobel Prize with Paul Dirac, for an equation which no one had done before, describing quantum states. 


Do you consider yourself to be a role model? 

Well that depends on your opinion. I know many people would be horrified of my look at work and effort, and my culture and people, but I think everyone has traits that others might deem strange. Apart from that, I think of myself as a normal scientist, just as determined as anyone else. The only difference between Nobel Prize winners and normal scientists, in my opinion, is luck. 


What was fighting in WW1, and escaping the Nazi Germany in 1933 like? 

Like a lot of soldiers and troops, I was extremely lucky to be alive. In WW1 I was in the Austrian fortress artillery as an officer. Escaping Nazi Germany was not the big undercover escape lots of people worked it up to be, sure I had to keep a low profile, but I just went straight out the border with a friend. 


Who did you enjoy working with most? 

In 1940 I got a job in the brand-new Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies. In 1943 I then started writing about unified field theory, and during that time I was talking to and corresponding with Albert Einstein himself. I think that was the most enjoyable collaboration I have had, and that work became one of the most interesting and best works I have done.  


Do you think you can become a well-known and brilliant scientist without sacrificing family life and your social life? 

I think that while it is hard to maintain both in a perfect balance, but like a diet, once you get it as a habit, it becomes a lot easier. You just have to communicate with your family/partner to avoid arguments and miss understandings, otherwise you will feel overwhelmed by the choice of either your family or your work. 

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